Valencia County Historical Society 


Presentations & Events

Upcoming Presentations & Events

Past Recorded Presentations

Geologic History of Valencia County by Paul Parmentier Link to a video of the presentation from November 2nd : 

Los Lunas Mystery Stone by John Taylor  Link to a video of the presentation from November 12th: 

Presentations & Events by Other Associations

Tue., Feb. 11th at 6:30 PM, in person event, Friends of Tijeras Pueblo  presents Jon Sandor and Maryann Wasiolecks,  who will give a lecture on “Hiding in Plain Site: Water and Soil Management in Prehistoric Southwest Agriculture”. Free.  At the Sandia Ranger Station, just off I-40 in Tijeras.

See this web page with more info: 


Tue., Feb. 11th at 7 PM, in person and virtual event, the Los Alamos Historical Society  presents Dr. Miriam Hiebert, who will give a lectured on “The Uranium Cube”.  Free.  Description: “We are looking forward to welcoming Dr. Miriam Hiebert on February 11th at our next lecture series. Dr. Hiebert will be sharing about the history of uranium cubes which she features in her book The Uranium Club.  Following her lecture will be a book signing!”

In the Pajarito Room at the Fuller Lodge at 2132 Central Ave. in Los Alamos.

See this Facebook post: 

To view the meeting on-line see the QR code on the Facebook post.


Wed., Feb. 12th at 10:30 AM, virtual and in person event, at the main Albuquerque Library at 5th and Copper Sts. in ABQ, the Albuquerque Genealogical Society (AGS) presents Cyndi Ingle, who will give a talk on “Record As You Go, Cite As You Go, & File As You Go”.  Partial description: “Genealogists tend to get very excited about new records and sources they come across in their research. So much so that they grab a quick copy, download it to default folders, and move on to the next item without thoroughly exploring the source first. All too often they don’t take the time to evaluate the source, to write the citation(s) for the source, or to file it in the correct spot. We have to slow down and take the time to think, to file, and to create notes about the source that make it easy to find that source again if needed. Doing this keeps our research more organized, but also keeps our research brain tidy as well. We are much more productive when we can easily put our hands on what we’ve found in the past. We will explore different options for accomplishing all of these important steps.”

See this web page: 

If planning to attend virtually, click on this link to register: 

You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration.


Thu., Feb. 13th from 10 AM to 1 PM, in person event, the Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections (CSWR) in the Frank Waters Room at the Zimmerman Library in ABQ holds “Love in the Archives”.  Partial description: “This annual Valentine’s Day open house celebrates history, culture, and communication with light refreshments and arts and crafts.  This year’s theme, Then and Now, explores how art, technology, and communication have transformed over time, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of human creativity and innovation. Visitors will have the opportunity to step back in time and examine historical artifacts alongside their modern counterparts. From drawings to completed masterpieces, the first use of computers in art to AI generated art, the evolution of the campus library at UNM, and changing attitudes toward content in public television, this year’s collections will highlight how the past continues to shape the present.  “At our upcoming Love in the Archives event, we are excited to show you the true power of archives in a world where old and new mix together. Each new idea builds upon the work of previous ideas so that innovation is constant. By looking at the past and present side-by-side we can see how art, technology, and even lives progressed and evolved,” said Portia Vescio, University Archivist.”

See the attached file.


Sat., Feb. 15th at 10:30 AM, in person event, the main ABQ Library at the corner of 5th and Copper Sts. in ABQ, presents researcher and historian Joe Sabatini, who will give a presentation on “Stella Dixon: A Pioneering Presence for Libraries and Women in New Mexico”.  Description: “Join us in kicking off Main Library’s 50th Anniversary celebration and Women’s History Month with Joe Sabatini – librarian, researcher, raconteur and local history enthusiast.  Joe shares the story of Stella Dixon, director of the Albuquerque Public Library from 1918 to 1935.  Coming from Texas with her family in 1910, Dixon presided during the 1918 flu pandemic, the construction of the Pueblo-Spanish Revival Main Library and the difficult days of the Depression. She is one of the founders of the New Mexico Library Association; the organizational meeting was held in her living room.  Joe’s research also follows her genealogy in order to present the full story of her career and what the library was like in the Twenties and Thirties.”

See this web page: 


Sat., Feb. 15th at 2 PM, in person event, the Manzano Mountain Art Council at 101 East Broadway in  Mountainair, as part of its speaker series, presents Martha Vera, honorary consul of Spain, who will give a presentation on “Maria de Agreda – The Blue Nun””.  Free.

See this web page: 

For more info contact the art council at or call 505-847-5068.


Sat., Feb. 15th at 1:30 PM, virtual event, the Albuquerque Genealogical Society, as part of its continuing program on the ABCs of DNA, presents Marty Brady, who will give a presentation on “The Basics of DNA Testing: What to Test and Why”.

See this web page for more info: 

Register at this link for the presentation: 


Sat., Feb. 15th from 10 AM to 1 PM, in person event, he Las Cruces Museum of Nature & Science at 411 North Main Street in Las Cruces holds “Plutomania”.  Free.  Description: “This free, family-friendly event celebrates Clyde Tombaugh’s legacy and the impact of space exploration on our community.”

See this Facebook post: 

For more info call 575-522-3120 or e-mail 


Sun., Feb. 16th at 2 PM, annual meeting of the Valencia County Historical Society.  At the Belen Public Library at 333 Becker Ave. in Belen.  Free.  Rosalia Pacheco will give a performance as “La Llorona: The Wailing Woman”.  There will be a display of archival material from the Archival Collaborative’s collection.  Annual awards will be presented and election of officers will be held.  For more information send a message to  

Sun., Feb. 16th at 2 PM, in person event, the Corrales Historical Society presents Jon Ghahate, who will give a presentation on “The Pueblo Revolt of 1680”.  Free.  At Casa San Ysidro at 966 Old Church Road in Corrales.

See this web page: 

For more info send e-mail to 


Sun., Feb. 16th at 2 PM, in person event, the Albuquerque Historical Society presents Terry Owen, who will speak about “The Crash of TWA Flight 260, 70 Years Later”.  Partial description: “On February 19, 1955 at 7:03 a.m., Captain Ivan Spong, in command of TWA flight 260, received permission from the control tower to take-off from the Albuquerque airport and vector toward Santa Fe for their next stop. Winter storms and clouds were seen to the West and to the East of the city. At 7:05 a.m. the wheels of the 40 passenger Martin 404 aircraft left the ground and ascended northeast toward the cloud-shrouded Sandia mountains. At 7:12, the terrain warning system bells sounded in the cockpit, alerting the crew to impending danger. Through the clouds, a sheer granite cliff face appeared over the nose of the aircraft and the pilot attempted to take evasive action. At 7:13 TWA Flight 260 crashed into the mountain killing all 13 passengers and three crew members. The Albuquerque Historical Society invites you to join us for this presentation where we’ll cover the details of the crash; likely contributing factors; and include both archival and recent photos of the aircraft and the crash site. We’ll also show recent drone video to give you a sense of what Captain Spong encountered that fateful day.”

In the Ventana Salon at the  Albuquerque Museum at 2000 Mountain Road, NW in Old Town ABQ. Parking is free in the lot south of the Museum. Admission to the Museum and the AHS program is also free.

See this web page: 


Sat. Feb. 22nd and Sun., Feb. 23rd, in person event, the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum at 4100 Dripping Springs Road in Las Cruces, holds its Gem & Mineral Show 2025.

See this web page: 

For more information, call (575) 522-4100.


Sat., Feb. 22nd at 2 PM, in person event, the East Mountain Historical Society presents John Taylor, who will give a talk on “Civil War history in the East Mountains”.  Partial description: “Guest speaker, John Taylor, is excited to speak to us about Civil War history in New Mexico and in the East Mountains. For those of you familiar with our historical places map, “Mapping Our Vanishing Past”, we show the route of Union and Confederate forces through Tijeras Canyon and north on what is now the Turquoise Trail (Highway 14). The Confederate forces headed north to what became known as the Battle of Glorieta Pass, then returned heading south pursued by Union forces after the Confederate defeat. This was one of the longest campaigns of military history.”

See this web page: 

At Tijeras village council chambers at 12 Camino Municipal off I-40 in Tijeras.  See this web page: 

For more info send e-mail to 


Sat., Feb. 22nd from 10 AM to 4 PM, in person event, the Albuquerque Main Library at 5th and Copper Sts. in ABQ, celebrates with its 50th Anniversary Open House.  Free.  Description: “Let’s get this party started!  Celebrate the history and future of Main Library – an innovative and “flexible” space, a hub for public library service and anchoring presence in Downtown.  Enjoy a welcoming and informative day – featuring a Community Resource Fair, engaging and interactive activities for all ages, a visit from the Book Van, a live concert, a lecture, exhibits and displays, refreshments – and more!  Find out more about what Main Library brings to Albuquerque’s cultural and service mix – and tell us about the library you’d like create with  us!”

See this web page for more info: 

Related events that are part of the celebration:


Sat., Feb. 22nd at 11 AM, in person event, the Santa Fe Public Library at 145 Washington Ave. in Santa Fe, hosts Professor Sherri Burr, who will give a lecture on “The Pre-Civil War: Complicated Lives of People of African Descent”.  Description: “Join Professor Sherri Burr, the author of Complicated Lives: Free Blacks in Virginia, 1619-1865, for a discussion on how the arrival of Africans changed the Virginia colony and the country into a multi-racial community where legal rights were advanced and restricted. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Africans and Indians possessed rights to own land (which was never stripped) and to vote (up until 1723). Slavery evolved in a convoluted legal manner that was challenged after the Revolutionary War as prominent slaveholders contemplated how they could continue to hold humans. Instead of slavery being eliminated following the colonists’ successful fight for their liberty from Britain, several events increased its hold on the county, including the outlawing of the international slavery trade and the Louisiana Purchase. This brought pain to Native Americans who were dispossessed of their land and to enslaved Africans sold to the Deep South. This history of race progression and regression has repercussions for today.”

With funding by the New Mexico Humanities Council.

See this web page: 


Sat., Feb. 22nd at 2 PM, in person event, the Railroad Museum at 351 North Mesilla St. in Las Cruces, will have a Neighborhood Walking tour.  Free.  No registration required.  Description: “Join our Railroad Museum curator for a stroll around the Alameda-Depot Historic District in Las Cruces. Learn about the neighborhood that the railroad “created” and the way that happened.  Ages: 18+”.

See this web page: 


Sat., Feb. 22nd at 10 AM, in person event, the Wheels Museum at 1100 2nd St., SW in ABQ presents John Taylor, who will give a talk on “New Mexico Medal of Honor Recipients”.

Admission is free, but donations are always gratefully accepted.  For more info call 505-243-6269 or send e-mail to info@WheelsMuseum.comor 


Sun., Feb. 23rd at 2 PM, in person event,  the Friends of Coronado Historic Site and Jemez Historic Site, at Martha Liebert Library at 145 Calle Malinche in Bernalillo, presents Professor Patricia Crown,  who will give a presentation on “Cylinder Jars, Cacao & Chaco Canyon”.  Partial description: “Chaco Canyon reveals its secrets slowly. Two decades of research in Chaco Canyon has yielded new insights into the use of cylinder jars beyond drinking cacao and possibly another caffeinated beverage. The shifting shapes and sizes of these drinking vessels suggests different ritual uses and alliances over time. Dr. Crown’s talk about her research will shed new light on competitive drinking events plus food transportation and preparation at Chaco Canyon.”

See this web page: 

For more info send a message to or call 867-5351


Tue., Feb. 25th from 10:30 AM to 2 PM, in person event, Albuquerque Genealogical Society (AGS) Research Day: need help with your genealogy?  At the main ABQ library at 5th and Copper, in the genealogy center on the second floor.  No set schedule.  The number in the genealogy center is 768-5141.

See this web page: 


Tue., Feb. 25th from 1:30 PM to 3 PM, virtual and in person event, the Albuquerque Genealogical Society’s Celtic Research Group meets on the second floor at the ABQ main library at 5th and Copper Sts. in ABQ and on-line.

See this web page for more info: 

Link to register if you wish to participate on-line via Zoom: 

Sat. Mar. 22nd @ 2PM in person event, the Friends of the Los Lunas Public Library & Museum at 251 Main St. SE Los Lunas, Tales of Gold and other Treasures by Karl Lambach. Tales of lost mines and treasure in southern New Mexico have been told since the arrival of the first explorers some 400 years ago.  Any number of would-be treasure hunters and prospectors have spent their lives and fortunes in the search. Who lost it and why should it be there? It has been attributed to Aztecs fleeing the Spanish, early Spanish miners, bandits operating on the Camino Real, French priests, Maximillian and Carlota, and Apaches. Laumbach shares the insights and stories that forty plus years exploring the archaeology and history of southern New Mexico have provided. Sponsored by Historical Society of NM and the Friends. 


Sep , 2025 |Historical Society of New Mexico Annual Conference | Las Cruces, New Mexico